
Friday, December 10, 2021

Tabloid sports

 Hello readers. Yesterday we had tabloid sports. It is were we have multiple actives such as egg and spoon race, sack race, skipping of the hoop,over and under,nerf throw,target throw, Bean Bag knots and crosses,three legged race,running relay,jumping paper/scissors/rock.It was so much fun and i had a little girl called Sienna holding my hand most of the time because she was a little kid.



Friday, December 3, 2021


hello readers. 2 days ago i had 5 days of what we call EOTC which stands for education outside the classroom. In these days we had went to adrenaline forest and Spencer park the group i was in went second to go to  adrenaline forest. On Friday we went to mega air i went to play on the Dodge ball area. This week on Monday we went to roller skating and Foster Park we i got on skates i kept on falling over.     On Tuesday we went to town to do the amazing race my team came in second. On the last day we went to surfing at Sumner beach my favourite part was the standing up on the water. 


Friday, November 5, 2021


 Hello readers. Yesterday I had a task to do table of emotions. We had to do 10 words of emotions in English two other langues and emojis. This took me one day to first. My two langues were Maori and french. thank for reading my blog have a nice day. bye



Friday, October 22, 2021

Playing at the Pool

 Hello readers. 

On Monday, the first day back at school, we did swimming. Because of Covid restrictions we have had to change into togs at school put our clothes underneath. When we get there we take of our school clothes and take shower and wait in the pool for our instructor. 

My groups instructor is Huia and he wears a light green cap and his togs are the same too. When we get in the pool we have to do freestyle laps in the pool.When the lesson is finished we wrap our towel around us go on the bus back to school and change in our pool changing rooms.

                                                            photo of my group



Wednesday, September 29, 2021

water safety game

 Kia Ora readers. This week I had a follow up task to create a game about water safety. It is full of pick a path questions of what you should do on the beach.This took me 3 days to finish but i have not had enough time to post on my blog. Thank you for reading my blog I hope you like the game I created enjoy. dye :)


water safety

 Hello readers. For this week and last week my reading group has been reading about water safety. Our follow up task was to create a poster of water safety. This took me 4 days to complete i talks about what you should do at a beach and a pool. This follow up task was a must do task for my group. Thank you for reading my blog. bye :)



Friday, September 24, 2021


Hello readers. On Wednesday and Thursday  room 10 ,room 9, room 8 and room 11 had played netball. On Wednesday room 9 and room 11 played first and then room 10 and 8 played. On Thursday room 11 and room 10 played then after room 8 and room 9 played.  My class room 10 came third , room 8 came first, room 9 came second and room 11 came last. 

Today Room 8 will play against a staff team.  I hope the staff win.

Thank you for reading my blog. bye :)




Friday, September 17, 2021

behind the mask

 Hello readers. Last week we started on something that is called "Behind the mask". It is a drawing of your face on two rectangles and words on the bottom about your self. When you put the bottom two rectangles up to your eyes there is a mask on the front.

 Mine kind of looks like Dora the Explorer as my friends say. This took a long time to do the face for me until my friend Lyah drew my face for me. I really like what she did for me. Thank you for reading and a shout out to Lyah how drew my face. my pictures are down below this writing. bye :)



Monday, September 6, 2021

Cupcake dessert

 Hello readers. On Thursday my little bubble did a little but more of baking but this time we made vanilla flavoured cupcakes. The ingredients were 50 grams of butter, 1 egg ,50 grams of caster sugar,58 grams of flour, vanilla.

We combined it together and put it into the cupcake maker that makes it rise my buddy was so excited to see them. There was 6 my buddy had 3 and I had the other 3. Once there were bone cooling we decorated them there were three colours blue,pink and hundreds and thousands. 

I got all of them on one of my cupcakes because she used one for a demonstration. she put white icing on and then did the sprinkles. The rest of my sprinkled cupcakes were all blue. we were so lucky to have one and save the rest for later because I was hungry. so thank you for reading I will leave a picture down below have a great day bye :)




Thursday, September 2, 2021

baking at school

 Hi guys. Yesterday was the first day back at school after lock down. After morning tea i made lolly cake. Yesterday in my bubble I had to be partners we all hand sanitised before we touched anything. 

We had to crush up  malt biscuits and then we put it on a plastic plate and broke fruit puff lollies in half and added them to the crushed up malt biscuits . We put all that mixture into a bowl and put condensed milk and melted butter in the mixture and steered it up and then put it all on the plate and moulded it into a rectangular prism.

When we were done modelling we put it into the refrigerator to cool down.When we got them out my teacher cut a little piece down the middle and gave one half to me and gave my buddy the other  

                                                              How it looked on the plate


                                                                 What it looked like after

Friday, August 20, 2021

word art

 Hello readers. Just yesterday I made word art. Word art is a app were you can put as meany words as you won't and pick a shape and then all the word you put in will be in the shape you picked. My word art is related to what i do at school such as Reading,Writing,Maths,Topic,Sports and Singing.The 2 shapes I put mine is in a normal love heart and fist with everything i do at school is in the shape. I hope you love my word art. Good bye.😁🥰❤️

                                                                My word art


Monday, August 16, 2021

3 similes to describe three friends

hello readers. This weeks follow up task was to do 3 similes to describe 3 of my friends. The first one was Moira,Leala ,Kelis. this took me 2 bays to get finished.This was not that hard to do it was actually really easy. we did not work in buddies for this task. Thank you for reading this blog.



Saturday, August 14, 2021

2 venn diagram

Hello readers.Days ago my teacher asked my reading group to do a Venn diagram on the ancient Olympics and the modern Olympics.This took me 3 days to get finished i could of finished earlier but i had my other reading stuff to finish of. i hope you guys liked my blog post leave a comment down below. 



Friday, August 6, 2021

Buddy class

 Hi everyone. Today is my first bay back at blogging and today I will talk about buddy class. We have new buddies. My buddy was a little boy called Matariki. We had so much fun together. Matariki was drawing a beautiful dinosaur while I was writing a different ending to the book The Hissing Bush. 

Thank you reading my blog post today guys I really appreciate it. Please leave a comment for feed back. :)

                                                           here is a photo of us working                      

Monday, July 26, 2021

paper Mache

 Hello readers. just yesterday I finished my third layer on my Piwakawaka, otherwise known as fantail. A paper mache is were you use metal wine ,news paper,paint,paper,glue. We had to make long strips of newspaper and dip it into the glue push the extras down back into the container and then place it nicely onto the bird. Thank you for reading my blog. comment down below to say what you like.

                                                here is a picture of my one so far, not done but will be 


Friday, June 18, 2021

Choice Thursday

 Hello readers. Just yesterday we had a as choice day on Thursday the 17th. All of the class's rooms in my school participated there was Netball,Touch ball rush,Disco party,Fruit kebabs and lolly cake,mindful colouring and yoga. I chose netball we started with chest passes to start us of then had 1 game of the really game. It was so cold we played in the rain but it was OK. Thank you for reading please leave a positive comment down below dye :)


Friday, June 11, 2021

Bird art

Hello readers. 

My class has been doing topic about the forest and creatures that live in it. 

For topic this time it was art themed we had to do a silhouette of a bird and dye a piece paper.

 Once we were done we had to stick the silhouette of the bird on the paper. 

Thank you for reading please put a comment down below dye. 

                                                        picture of my silhouette art 


Friday, May 21, 2021

Reading slam

 hello readers today me and my class went to hornby hud for a reading slam and poetry slam.

 we had to walk through kile park down through the tunnel, through Denton park , over the zebra crossing and then we sat right outside farmers. 

then we split into 5 grapes listening to 5 different languages of books one was Maori to was someone three was Tongan four was English and the last one was  tagalog then when everyone was done everybody joined up and we started heading back. 

hope you enjoyed see you in next blog post.bye :)




How to Make a Hot Chocolate

 Hello readers. Today my teacher was so nice she decided to get us hot chocolate but with a twist we had to make it with a recipe our classmates wrote. Each and everyone had to write instructions on how to make hot chocolate. I got partnered with  Jerome he is a year five and very nice. We had hot chocolate powder,  hot water and marshmallow.  Thank you for reading guys, please comment it will be really appreciated. bye :)

                                                Here is a picture of it and the recipe

                                                            How To Make A Hot Chocolate 

You need :


Hot chocolate powder


Water (hot water from tap)

Marshmallow 2x

Tsp (teaspoon)



1.put water in the jug 

2.doil the jug 

3.Put 2 teaspoons of hot chocolate powder in the cup

4.Put 2 teaspoons of sugar in the cup with the powder

5.Pour the hot water in the cup once done up to half way

6.Top the cup up with cold milk  (do not fill it all the way up otherwise it will overflow)

7.Stir well to dissolve the powder

8.Put 2 marshmallows in the cup of hot chocolate

9.Drink and enjoy.

this is me 

Friday, May 7, 2021

Cloze week 1 Waiting

Kia ora readers. Just back from school holidays. Today's cloze was 'Waiting'. If you are new to my blog a cloze to my class room is a story and there are gaps that we need to fill in to complete the task. We get a new cloze every week. We have to finish it on Friday because our teacher says and if we don't we have to finish it at the end of the term and that would be a lot of work. Thanks for reading please comment down below what something good about it is and what I could work on next time I see you in the next blog post.

                                              here is a example of what it looks like ;)


Friday, April 16, 2021

Cross country

Hello readers today i will be talking about cross country. My hole school had cross country on the 15 of April. 

The year six and year 4,5 had to run 2 km and the little kids had to do 600 m or 200 m. We had this event at Kyle park right next to the bike track. 

There were staff to help as a long the way. The year 6 , 5 and 4 had to run 2 laps. 

Once everyone went and got the results we headed back to school to have a shared lunch. There were cupcakes, pizza ,pies ,muffins and cookies.

here are some photos i hope you enjoyed.

Friday, April 9, 2021

Dog safety

Hello readers. Today i will be telling you about the dog safety person that came on Thursday. He was telling room 9 and my class room 10 about the importance of taking care of dogs. Like who we should pick up there poo once there done. Also to stay away when the dog is sleeping. 1 more thing is to ask the owner if you can pat the dog. Thanks for reading please comment down below dye. :)

here is a picture of it 

Friday, March 26, 2021

Cloze week 8

 Kia ora readers. Today i finally finished my cloze :). Today's cloze was reckless it was very hard for some off the people in my class. Because some people don't make it sound like sens. I was so happy cause I try to finish all my work on Monday. So I wake in the morning  and I get my chrome and work a little and then I get dressed for school.

                                                                  Here is a photo of the cloze



Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Reading Week 8

 hello fellow readers. Two weeks ago i started something called a follow up task. In my class room at reading time only the Tui and the Kakapo groups only have follow up tasks.

In my reading group the Tui  we have been learning 7 different types of code, a brief history of 

cryptography, codes and cipher,  Morse code, pigeon Cipher, phonetic alphabet , tap code and last letter Numbers.

today i will be telling you about Morse code. Morse code is like a - and a . here is a picture of the hole Morse code alphabet. 

                                                tell me in the comments what you think this is 

                                                   . . . .    . -     . - - .    . - - .  - . - -  

                                                  - . . .   . - . .  - - -   - - . - - .  . .   - .   - - .


Friday, March 12, 2021

Buddy Class

Today was Buddy class. We had 3 games. One game was called Toilet tag, the second one was called Duck Duck goose and the third one was called Rob the Nest. We all had turns playing each different game I think we had 10 or more minutes. Unfortunately I had to miss out on some of it because I had road patrol practice. I really wanted to do the games but I also wanted to protect the people and also to help them cross the road. 

I hope you guys enjoyed, please comment what you liked and what I should work on next . Thank you and bye.

                                              Here are some photos of Buddy class


Thursday, March 11, 2021

Duffy assembly

 Today the whole school came to the school hall. We went there for Duffy assembly were there are some people put on a play. The play was called Duffy's bubble why is was called that was because  they made a little play about covid19 and who we had to stay in our own bubble. Well i hope you guys enjoyed please comment down below what you liked and what i should work on dye.

                                              here are some photos of Buddy class


Friday, March 5, 2021

Touch Monday

Today I'm talking about my Monday touch. Sadly I am not in the photos but it was great to participate. 

We do touch every Monday between 5:05 or 5:40. My game was at 5:05 and we did not win but its the thought that counts and at lest we gave it our all. It is a great friendly game my school vs other schools. There are 3 teams the Dodgers , Titans and the Raiders. 

I hope you liked my post comment down below what you liked and also what i could improve on thank you for reading goodbye.

                                  Here are some photos of one of my school team playing another


Sunday, February 28, 2021

Water fight

One day my whole school had a water fight except anyone that did not bring togs or spare clothes. We had water guns, drink bottles and sprinklers and many more. We had two water places that we could fill up, one just out side the swimming pool and one outside  of the hall. 

I had so much fun wetting people. I just wet random kids. 

Hope you enjoyed reading and comment down below what you liked and what I could work on next time goodbye.                              

                                                       Here are some photo of the water fight  







Friday, February 26, 2021

Buddy class

 Today my class ,room 10, went to room 4 and 3 for buddy class. My buddy's name was Demi and today we did a buddy book which has questions like What is your favourite colour ? What you'd like to do at school? and What your age is? questions like that. It was so fun to do something new with my buddy Demi she is so nice and so sweet.

This is me and Demi together doing the book and me being shocked while gasping.

Friday, February 19, 2021

The day Elgrego came to our school.

 hi my name is TJ. Today our ElGrego came to our school and showed us his magical tricks and mysteries. We were really happy that he came to my school. There were a bit of kids trying to figure out he Elgrego bib it. I think the hole school was there an hour or half an hour ? i hope how ever is reading enjoyed so thank you for reading bye.

                                                  Here are some photos of the magician

Buddy class

 hi my name is TJ and this is my first blog post this year. Today I had buddy class my buddy was sweet and kind we dressed up and while we were there we played with monkeys and the barrel game. We had so much fun together we were going to read a book but then we had to stop because it was morning tea time and then we picked up everything. Thank you for looking at my blog I really hope you have a great day or great sleep thank you now and good bye. 😄😁

this is me and my bunny I held up the monkeys because we couldn't find a place that was high enough for her to hang them all and also she needed to reach it.